The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Layne Daniel update

The good news is that he was able to go home on Friday. However, I just learned today that his was the most aggressive form of cancer, and, barring a miracle, the chemo is just buying him some more time with his family. The doctors haven't given any timetable, but if nothing changes, he is dying.

Mr. Incredible and I are aching to be back "home" where we could be close and help them. Pastor Daniel was Mr. Incredible's youth pastor and was like a father to him. Pastor Daniel started a church of his own a couple of months before Mr. Incredible and I got married, and that had been our church since we got married (until we moved away). Thank you to all who have let me know that they are praying. It is comforting to know that you are petitioning God on his behalf.