The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Rearranging My Days

As you can see, I haven't had as much time for blogging this week. I knew it was coming; I just failed to warn you.

Yesterday, I began homeschooling our girls. I knew that I would need to be focused in order to accomplish my homeschooling objectives, so I created a schedule which I am doing my best to follow. That schedule only allows me one hour of computer time - I'm definitely going to have to be efficient and make the most of my time! Though it may be a crunch, I know that my girls' education takes priority over my blogging and design work.

For Pookie Bear, I am using the Letter of the Week curriculum from Brightly Beaming Resources; for Miss Muffet and Baby Bear, I am using the Preparatory curriculum. All three girls have enjoyed themselves these past two days. I hope the trend continues!

"What are they learning?" you ask. That's a good question. Pookie Bear's lessons focus on letter sounds, while Miss Muffet and Baby Bear will be learning letter names. Since they are all together, I expect that the younger ones will learn from Pookie's lessons as well.

So far we have covered the following:

Pookie Bear -

  • Writing upper and lowercase A
  • A says a (short sound) as in apple
  • Theme words that begin with the short a sound: astronaut, apple, animal, alligator, ambulance
  • Poem - "Ten Red Apples" (memory work) and Alligator Pie
  • Story - Ten Apples up on Top by Dr. Seuss
  • Color - aquamarine
  • Science - antelope (similar to a deer, has hollow horns, eats plants, has four stomachs, runs fast and jumps straight up when surprised, lions like to eat them)
  • Bible - Adam and Eve (creation story and today we talked about how they sinned and had to leave the Garden of Eden)
  • Math - simple addition using the snack, animal crackers
  • Song - The Ants Go Marching
  • Supplementary work - letter practice in an alphabet workbook
Miss Muffet and Baby Bear -
  • Theme - cow
  • Vocabulary word - calf
  • Letter - uppercase A (coloring page; write with finger in a bowl of salt)
  • Story - "The Humongous Brown Cow"
  • Poems - "The Purple Cow" and "Little Calf"
  • Shape - square (find squares around the house)
  • Songs - "Old MacDonald" and "The Cow"
  • Gross motor skill - move like a cow
I know it has only been two days, but I think that our schedule is going to work well. Here's a look:
  • 7:00-7:30 a.m. Fix breakfast
  • 7:30-8:00 a.m. Eat
  • 8:00-9:00 a.m. Dishes; make beds; clean bathrooms; start laundry; complete any other cleaning for which there is time
  • 9:00-10:00 a.m. Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies - We start out with prayer followed by the pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible, and then we sing the first verse of "The Star-Spangled Banner." After opening exercises, we go through Miss Muffet and Baby Bear's lesson for the day. Both days, that has taken about 25 minutes. By that time, the two younger ones have lost interest, and we move on to Pookie Bear's Language Arts, Science or Social Studies, and Math lessons. By the time we complete that, the remaining scheduled 30 minutes have passed.
  • 10:00-11:00 a.m. Free time
  • 11:00-11:15 a.m. Snack time
  • 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Play outside
  • 12:00-12:30 p.m. Prepare lunch
  • 12:30-1:00 p.m. Eat lunch
  • 1:00-2:00 p.m. Bible, Art, Music, Story Time
  • 2:00-4:00 p.m. Nap time; I have 30 minutes for personal devotions here (I never make it up early enough in the morning to have them before I start my day), followed by one hour for computer work and thirty minutes to complete my daily chores (mopping, dusting, vacuuming, etc.)
  • 4:00-5:30 p.m. Prepare supper (this is rather flexible)
  • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Eat supper (again, this is flexible; it certainly doesn't take that long to eat)
  • 6:30-7:00 p.m. Clean up table; wash dishes
  • 7:00-7:30 p.m. Family Bible reading and prayer time
  • 7:30-8:00 p.m. Family play time!
  • 8:00 Girls clean up and go to bed - whew! I'm always exhausted by this point!
How do you schedule your days ? (I'm asking everybody, not just those who homeschool.)


Shoshannah said...

I DON"T:) We get up when I feel well enough to, and the kids make their beds and if I remind them,clean their breakfast, start school, take a break, do more school, eat lunch, finish up the little left to do, play, the kids take a nap or rest while I try to motivate myself to do housework, make supper, clean up after supper, mess with kids, give them their baths, make them clean their rooms, get them in bed and sit with Spencer for an hour or two. That's how it goes usually, we'll see what happens after the baby gets here.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great start to your homeschooling! I always enjoy seeing how other's schedule their day, fun reading yours!

Did you go ahead with the no-tv/movies plan?

As for my schedule, we don't have a written one, that would box me in too much! Lol! The girls are usually all up by 7-7:30, we're done with breakfast by 8 or shortly after, and then everyone gets "ready" for the day, make beds/brush teeth/fix hair/start laundry, etc.

We start our homeschool with Bible reading together on the couch, then with our current fiction read-aloud (usually something that corresponds with our history)...then the older girls get started on their schoolwork at the kitchen table while I work with 3 yo on letter recognition/sounds. Then she's having "learning to sit still" time for fifteen minute intervals on the couch with colors/coloring book while I head to the kitchen and work with the older girls.

We keep at it all morning and then fix lunch together, clean up and everyone gets an hour of time alone...toddler naps for 2 hrs, I get my stuff done, and older girls have room time (time to read or play together). Usually 7 yo is finished with her school in the morning, and after "naps" my 9 yo finishes up her work. They often run outside and do chores (feed dogs, cat, etc) and we usually eat by 7:30 pm. usually by 9 pm, then dh and I stay up for another two hours unwinding!

Anonymous said...

6.30 Daniel wakes me up give him a bottle of milk
check emails etc witha cuppa coffee
Daniel watches TV

7.30am wake billy up and prepare breakfast and do morning chores etc

8.30am take Billy to school
now if its a Tuesday Daniel and I go to playgroup and help set up for the morning
if its a Thursday we go to my bible study group
otherwise home where Daniel plays while I blog and do housework

12 noon lunch
1pm Daniel has a sleep
blog some more

2pmish Daniel and I go for my walk

3pm Pick Billy up from school
home homework

4 pm blog

4.30pm prepare dinner and wash the dishes

5.30pm dinner

6.30pm blog
the boys play and/or watch TV

7.30pm get Daniel ready for bed
Both Daniel and I go to bed
we cosleep
I watch TV in my room while Daniel goes to sleep once hes asleep I read for a while then I go to sleep too

Anonymous said...

oh and I go grocery shopping on a Friday morning too

Revka said...

Huh, I can't say that I blame you, Sho! Hang in there for just a bit longer. :) I'm looking forward to meeting my new niece.

Revka said...

Mary, we have not been successful with the no TV/movies trial this week, but we have managed to cut down on them considerably. I'm going to try again for no TV/movies next week. Thanks for checking. :) How are you doing with that?

I like the sound of your schedule, too. Flexibility is one reason that we decided to home school our girls. It already has been a good thing for us: Baby Bear is sick today, and we all have dentist's appointments on Monday.

Revka said...

Hey, Jen - thanks for sharing your schedule as well. I think all mothers have a full schedule. The work is never-ending. :) It's nice to see that you are able to regularly attend a Bible Study. I've had the chance to do that a few times and always found it to be a blessing.

I used to go grocery shopping every other Friday morning, but Mr. Incredible realized I needed a break sometime and offered to keep the girls at home every other Thursday night so that I could go shopping then. That has been a God-send for my sanity! :)