The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Beauty Check

We ladies are very particular about our outward appearance, aren't we? We apply lotions, paints, and powders to our skin to make it more attractive. We purchase clothing that is cut to flatter our shape. We prefer to wear certain colors because of how they complement our natural coloring. We spend hundreds of dollars each year on hair care. We even twirl in front of a full-length mirror in order to complete a 360 degree evaluation of ourselves before leaving home for the outside world.

There is nothing wrong with our wanting to look our best. I know our men appreciate the effort we put into our appearance. I believe that God intended women to be beautiful and to enjoy beauty. Looking our best is a worthy goal.

While we may be lovely to behold outwardly, that outward beauty will be completely negated if inward beauty is lacking. That presents a convicting question:
are weam I as concerned with my inward beauty as I am with my outward beauty? How beautiful have my attitudes, thoughts, and actions been lately? Do they reflect the beauty of a life in step with Christ? Or do they reflect a life focused on self? How often do I run a thorough "hidden beauty" check? I can tell you that it is not often enough.

"Pretty is as pretty does."

Proverbs 31:30 "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."


Anonymous said...

Hi R---just to let you know you've been tagged. Check it out!

Revka said...

Thanks, Frank! I'll check it out. :)