The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Friday, May 16, 2008

One Week Countdown

No, not for the baby, though I wish it were!!!

A month ago, I mentioned Miss Muffet's upcoming birthday (She's the blondie on my shoulders - isn't she cute? *smile*), but time has slipped away since then, and I find myself with a mere seven days left in which to prepare. I'm starting to stress a bit! I'm finding it hard to get around and exhausting to clean, so my strategy is going to have to be to "white glove" one room each day next week. If I stick to that plan, I should have the house in order by next Saturday.

Thankfully, my girls and their friends are at the age where they prefer to just play outside together, and I don't have to plan many, if any, activities for them to have a blast. I think I'll do what I did at the last birthday party and let the kids eat outside. I must admit it was nice to be able to tell the adults to take advantage of our "dining room furniture" (it's not really a dining room, and the furniture isn't formal, but what else do you call it?) instead of their having to sit on couches and wherever else they could find to sit. (I trust the adults to eat food on our furniture without making messes; the kids, I don't.)

I am sure that, as usual, I am stressing when I don't really need to. I'm sure the kids and adults alike will have a great time and everything will go smoothly. How about reminding me of that periodically over the next week? *laugh*


My name is Michelle. said...

Don't over tax yourself! It's likely that no one will notice anything other than your daughters brilliant smile (well, and the cake of course ;). Do what you can comfortably. And make lots of pictures!

People will be impressed that your even having a party this close to delivery. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

Revka, once you get the house spotless, maybe it'll STAY THAT WAY and you won't have to clean it ever again...........gee don't all women wish that would happen.

Shoshannah said...

You know we don't care. :P

Anonymous said...


I am having a fun and continuing blogger participation post at my site and I hope you will participate.

Eventually I will figure out a type of gift to be sent to the bloggers in appreciation for their contributions. Probably several handmade cards or something equally nice.

Revka said...

Thanks, Michelle. Just what I needed to hear. :)

jeannie said...

She is just too cute...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Dana, that would be a dream come true! It feels so futile to clean house because I can never keep it clean for more than one week. :(

But I do hear that as the kids get older it does get better - so I'm hanging on to that hope. *laugh*

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Shosh. :) I'm glad y'all aren't expecting perfection from me. You'd never get it! (hahaha)

Revka said...

I'll check it out, Dana. Thanks for letting me know. :)

Revka said...

Aw, thanks, Jeannie. :)