The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Our temporary guest bedroom

I've told y'all before about our putting all the girls in one room. That has worked out really well. The girls sleep well and play well together, and we have been able to transform the baby's old bedroom into a guest bedroom - something we have never had before. Always before, any overnight visitors were so privileged as to sleep on our air mattress we use for camping or on one of our two couches. Now we can actually offer guests a real bed and privacy while they sleep. We even have an empty chest of drawers in there for guest use.

Unfortunately, we do know that we will only be able to have the guest bedroom for a couple of years at most. When we have another baby (which I am not quite ready for just yet), we'll have to turn it back into a nursery. Since we want 2 or 3 more kids, it might be possible to actually buy an Emily crib sometime instead of just drooling over it. Those cribs are neat! They start out as a crib but can be turned into a daybed or a full size bed as your child gets older. They are very attractive (to me anyway). But for now, I am enjoying the feeling of luxury that comes with having a bedroom just for guests.