The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Marriage 1920's Style - Part 2

You thought I'd forgotten that I labeled the last post Part 1, didn't you? I didn't forget; I couldn't write the next part because I misplaced my book just like to give my readers time to reflect on the wisdom found in my profound posts. :D

The following passages are also from The Trail of Conflict by Emilie Loring.

What wonders women were, some of them, Steve amended. He thought of the girls with whom he had dined and danced in the last two years. Many of them sensation-seeking privateers. Was it after-war reaction which made them so recklessly, flagrantly determined in their attempts to lure? They had succeeded only in repelling him but they had plenty of victims. How they crackled the glaze of their reputations. How they married and unmarried, those people whom he knew, and with what tragic consequences to their children.
A fragment from Kant which had been the text for a college theme teased at the tip of his tongue. He had it! "No one of us can do that, which if done by all, will destroy society." If this divorce business kept up it would destroy society.
She would keep her marriage vow at any cost to herself, Courtlandt thought, no matter how she might care for someone else. She was the sort of woman who would stand the wear and tear of daily companionship, making allowance for a man's moods but never knuckling to them. She'd bring him up with a round turn, but she'd laugh while she did it. He couldn't imagine her irritable or fretty or snappy. She had the saving grace of humor. If women could only learn the persuasive value of a laugh as against tears or sulks how many marriages would be saved from the scrap-heap. After all, any poor dumb-bell could get married; it was staying married which proved one's metal.
pp. 92-93
"Has he been up to his old tricks again?" His eyes fell as though by accident to her arms.

The woman's eyes, her lips, changed in expression. It was as though her features, red-hot with life and interest, had been run into a mold and hardened.

"He has that, Mr. Tommy."

"Is there any use in repeating what I have said before, that you ought to leave him?"

"An' I say as I said before, you're wrong, Mr. Tommy. I promised in the sight of God and man to stick to him as long as we both lived. I wasn't forced to marry Simms. I did it of my own free will - my own fool will," contemptuously. "I'd be a fine example to my children, wouldn't I, if I tried to get out of marriage just because it wasn't the romantic joy-ride I'd expected."
My, isn't our attitude today different! People have no-fault divorces and dissolve marriages due to issues of "incompatibility." God helping me, I aim to keep my marriage vows - for better or for worse.


A Dusty Frame said...

psst I have a little something for you