The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Yes, I'm Mad and Am Complaining About It!

Why is that the girls are at their worst when Mr. Incredible is gone? I guess the girls weren't trying to be horrible yesterday, but they sure knew better than to do what they did!

I was intent on a design I was creating, and when I emerged from my extremely narrow focus, I beheld a scene that looked like it could have come straight out of Twister - no lie. The girls had gotten into the flour and sugar. Three quarters of each bag were strewn all over my kitchen table and floor with traces edging onto my living room carpet. Blankets, toys, couch cushions, plates, and crackers littered the living room floor, making walking through there nearly impossible. I was too mad to grab my camera to document the disaster. The girls were in big trouble, and they knew they deserved it.

I didn't even attempt to clean up last night; I was just too mad and discouraged. After punishing the girls, I sent them to bed and followed suit. As soon as we got up this morning, I informed them that we would not do anything else until they had cleaned up the living room. I sat on the couch (after they cleaned off and replaced the cushions) and told them what to do. Surprisingly, they did a pretty good job in fairly short order.

There was no way I wanted them to touch the kitchen, and I am still working on getting it clean. Grrrrr! Flour and sugar are everywhere, and sweeping produces little "dust" storms. I know air purifiers are not intended for this purpose, but I have wondered if turning one on would help reduce the amount of flour/sugar in the air.

I hope your day is going better than mine. I'm cranky and ill-tempered today, and I know I need to be loving and patient. I sure don't want to be right now! I want to be the old lady who lived in a shoe and sent her children to bed!

The one bright spot in this day so far is the fact that I was finally able to get the fingernail polish out of the girls' princess comforter we bought them for Christmas. They hadn't even had it for two weeks before Miss Muffet and Baby Bear got hold of Pookie's play fingernail polish, also a Christmas present, and proceeded to paint one pillowcase, the flat sheet, the comforter, and two walls next to their bed. (That was not a good day, either.) Anyway, I'm thankful for little blessings - the comforter looks like new again.


Anonymous said...

And I thought only boys were like this!! I always said I wanted boys to avoid the teen hormones of girls but after some of the days I've been having w/my son, I rethink my plan. Girls always seem so quiet and well behaved. Now I read this! Actually I'm glad you told me/us. There is no better gender when it comes to kids - they are all equally challenging! Thanks for the reminder...

Revka said...

No, Drama Mama, boys most certainly have not cornered the market for creating chaos. *sigh* My couch still has black paint splotches from another episode from not so long ago. Sometimes I wonder if they will ever quit creating disasters!

Glad you enjoyed the tale ... *smiling*

ThriftyMommy said...

Sorry, I am no help. I'm irritated for you. :)

Shoshannah said...

Do you remember my pic of Sierra and Johnny and the cereal on the living room floor?

Revka said...

Thanks for the sympathy, Karen. :)

Revka said...

I had forgotten about that, Sho. Thanks for reminding me; it's good to know I'm not alone. :)