The Porch Light copyright by Revka (2006-2010). All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Help for the clueless

Do you remember the days when you first started blogging? That's where I am. Some days I feel as though my inexperience gleams as brightly as a newly-minted penny. For instance: I only recently found out that some lucky people actually get paid to blog. And tonight, I was relieved to be informed that referrals from "adult" sites are just a sad fact of blogging life when your blog is public. Well, in the sense that now I know my former blog URL and name were not sending an unintended message, I am relieved. My only regret is that I did not know that fact sooner - I wouldn't have changed my blog's location, which would have saved everyone some inconvenience. However, it's entirely my fault that I didn't know sooner. I failed to ask the right person the right question. Live and learn, and there's just a little bit less "newly minted" gleam to me now. (At this point, I'd like to say a big "thank you" to Karen and Alan for educating me in this new arena I've entered.)

Earlier today, I ran across a series of posts that aims to help new bloggers like me. It is Blogging for Beginners and discusses topics from basic introductory material such as "What is a Blog?" to blog design, writing content, and making money. If you have a blogging-related question, this appears to be a good starting point on the road to finding answers. I am going to read each and every post!


DJ Master AG said...

I'm just now catching up on old posts... :) No problem. Let me know if you have other questions... any time.